
Do you want to have your church found? There are two ways on San Diego Church Reviews.

First option, place a banner AD.
Do a Google search for San Diego Churches or San Diego Church and you will see that we are one of (or the top) result listed. These means thousands of people who are looking for a church in San Diego use this site to find a church

Web Traffic – Usually about 1,000 unique visitors with 2,000 to 3,000 page views a month. Average session is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Nearly 90% of all traffic is people doing web searches for churches in San Diego.

Side Banner AD: $250/mo

Ad Size: 250x250px

If you have questions about being on San Diego Churches as a sponsor, email admin [at] sandiegochurches.org for more details.

Second option, we can’t guarantee it but we can send out a reviewer.

No guarantee is made and the reviewer will be able to be free to write a review that isn’t necessarily positive. Learn how we’ve determined to review churches. To see if we are able to, you can email admin [at] sandiegochurches.org for more details.