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Harbor Presbyterian Church

May 21st, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 4/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5 (easy to use)
Site Design: 3/5
Site Content: 2/5

Summary: Harbor Presbyterian is a church that made a decision to not abandon the cities core and planted an inner-city church. Harbor has a strong desire to be a missional church to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. They have a solid and orthodox statement of faith. In addition I am really impressed with their missional desire to serve those in need. (homeless, prison ministry, Mexico poor, etc.) They also have a wide number of community groups. This is essential for growing in fellowship and your knowledge of who God is.

Since planting the downtown location, Harbor has become a multi-site church with church locations ranging from Chula Vista to Carmel Valley and every where in between.

This is a great church for you to attend, particularly if you are from the Presbyterian tradition.