Grace Bible Church



Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 4/5
Community: 3/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 2/5
Site Content: 2/5

Summary: Grace Bible Church is a solid Bible teaching church. They are from the reformed baptist persuasion. They list their beliefs as well as their churches Constitution, By-Laws and Statement of Faith. Anyone interested can learn exactly what this church believes and how this is administered at their local church. I am glad to see a church so willing to share openly what they believe.

The website is from another era. It uses frames and is very simple, which makes it easy to navigate but there is not that much to see. Without knowing it you switch from html to pdf documents. They also have pictures mostly dating to 2001. All this being said, the church looks like a great place to be taught the things of the Lord. The sermons seem full of meat which would grow all believers.

Grace Bible Church is a sound Biblical church even if they aren’t net savvy.


  1. Where do Protestants get the idea that SOla Scriptura is right? It is not in the Bible. You criticize our Traditions when you have your own tradition of thinking that the Bible is the only source.
    Best regards

  2. Catholic Man:

    Through simple research on the Internet you can find the answer to your own question. I found the following at

    Additionally, the verses provided refute your argument of “It is not in the Bible.”

    6. What arguments do the Scriptures themselves afford in favor of the doctrine that they are the only infallible rule of faith?

    1st. The Scriptures always speak in the name of God, and command faith and obedience.

    2nd. Christ and his apostles always refer to the written Scriptures, then existing, as authority, and to no other rule of faith whatsoever.–Luke 16:29; 10:26; John 5:39; Rom. 4:3;2 Tim. 3:15.

    3rd. The Bereans are commended for bringing all questions, even apostolic teaching, to this test.–Acts 17:11; see also Isa. 8:16.

    4th. Christ rebukes the Pharisees for adding to and perverting the Scriptures.–Matt. 15:7-9; Mark 7:5-8; see also Rev. 22:18, 19, and Deut. 4:2; 12:32; Josh. 1:7.

    Your second statement about “traditions” is faulty. You are comparing traditions and bible incorrectly. Traditions are not “thinking”. Perhaps what you meant to say is: “You criticize our beliefs/thinking about traditions when you have your own beliefs/thinking about the Bible as the only source.”

    Who inspired tradition? Man
    Who inspired the Bible? God
    Based on those answers, who has the greater authority?

    • JoeBruin88

      You’re first point that the Scriptures always speak for God is called begging the question. Can you provide an example where your this true?

      2. On your second point of Christ always referring to the Scriptures. Well this is simply not true.

      Matt. 28:20 – “observe ALL I have commanded,” but, as we see in John 20:30; 21:25, not ALL Jesus taught is in Scripture. So there must be things outside of Scripture that we must observe. This disproves “Bible alone” theology.

      Luke 10:16 – He who hears you (not “who reads your writings”), hears me. The oral word passes from Jesus to the apostles to their successors by the gracious gifts of the Holy Spirit. This succession has been preserved in the Holy Catholic Church.

      He’s clearly establishing an earthly authority.

      1 Thess. 4:2 – Paul again refers the Thessalonians to the instructions they already had received, which is the oral apostolic tradition.

      2 Thess. 2:5 – Paul yet again refers the Thessalonians to the previous teachings they received from Paul when he taught them orally. These oral teachings are no less significant than the written teachings.

      1 Thess. 4:2 – Paul again refers the Thessalonians to the instructions they already had received, which is the oral apostolic tradition.

      2 Thess. 2:5 – Paul yet again refers the Thessalonians to the previous teachings they received from Paul when he taught them orally. These oral teachings are no less significant than the written teachings.

      3. The Bereans are commended for going to the Scriptures regarding the prophecies concerning the Messiah. No where does this indicate that one could discern all faith from the Scriptures. This is so fallacious. Seriously put some thought into this. The Scriptures they were going to were the OT. If we were to be like the Bereans we wouldn’t use the NT. But we recognize the authority of the Apostles (not the Bible alone). The apostles authority was given to successors which eventually lead to the Bible.

      4. Christ rebukes the Pharisees for putting man-made traditions over God traditions and commandments (not for perverting the Scriptures, please provide a proof text for that one). Not that I’m defending the Pharisees, but you should be accurate in your claims. If you think what the Catholic Church refers to as Tradition is man-made then you don’t understand what you’re arguing. Ask yourself how did we get the bible? That is called Written Tradition. It was passed down and preserved by the Church, to keep people like you from perverting it. The Bible from a tradition of passing down what was spoken. There is an Oral Tradition, meaning not everything Jesus said was written down. This has just as much authority as everything that was written down.

      Good day sir.

  3. I have to agree in a much shorter version. Thinking that Scripture is the only source may be a tradition, but it is a proven tradition. You must look back at the history of the church to see how tradition has ruled the church. You see so many things that are carried on because they have been for a while and we see that this is not right. The Bible is the only source because there is no other thing so high. Human experience can never reach the point that the Bible has. God has a much higher understanding than we do, so we must realize that Scripture is infallible and what we do on this earth is definitely fallible.

  4. Jesus said, “Ye make the word of God of none effect by your tradition.” Exactly where do you Catholics get off spurning God’s Word by their tradition. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Scriptural ignorance in spiritual death; regardles of the length of anyone’s tradition. I believe that was the only time Jesus used the word tradition……….hmmmmmmm.

  5. Hi,

    Grace Bible Church has recently put in place a whole new redesign and backend to our website. I think the change is significant enough to warrant a new review.


    • I too think it varies with each child. My oldset are 5, so none of them have begun taking communion yet. At our church, they let us know that a child is often ready for communion when they’ve been baptized as a believer. But, this too can & will be at various ages.I am sure it will be such a blessing to watch my children as they learn & grow in their faith & are one day able to take communion. I look forward to reading other responses!JessicaJessica recently posted..

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