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The Fields Church


(Located in Carlsbad)

Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 5/5
Community: 4/5
Preaching: Exegetical
Worship: 10am Contemporary

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 3/5
Site Content: 2/5

Summary: The Fields is a newer church plant in Carlsbad. You can always tell a recent church plant because they typically use non-traditional names. From their website: We have named our new church “The Fields” because Jesus once told his followers, “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35) At The Fields our desire is to see people grow into passionate followers of Jesus Christ.

I had a chance to visit this church (September 2004) and enjoyed Pastor Dave Fandey’s preaching through the 3rd chapter of Philippians. He dug deeper than most preachers do and did a great job in bringing application to those who attended. The community is primarily younger (20-30 somethings) with a mix of a handful of families. On my visit, the community did a great job of greeting me and welcoming me to their church.

The church is new so their website does not have much information other than the story of their church, the values they hold to and information about when/where they meet. I’m sure more information will be coming shortly…I did have a chance to speak more with Pastor Dave Fandey and was encouraged with his passion and desire to be faithful to God’s Word.

The Fields is a church that does a great job in preaching God’s Word and desires to live this out missionally. I strongly recommend this church.

One Response to “The Fields Church”

  1. Allan Svensson Says:

    Praise the Lord!

    I found your Website by Google, and I wish you the best you can get,
    the peace of God through Jesus Christ.

    Welcome to visit my Site.

    Pardon me that this becomes a long e-mail, but I wrote it as short as possible.

    The coming revival

    Jesus has commanded us to be awaking and ready when he comes,
    and he has commanded his people to come out of the great Babylon.
    Therewith the sake is clear. A powerful revival must come.

    The great Babylon is not only the Catholic church, but also all other
    churches and denominations. The promise of the Lord is solid. The
    Holy Spirit will guide us into all Truth. John 16:13-15. When the
    Holy Spirit reveals the truth about the Assembly of God, then all
    churches and denominations are exposed. How would this happen
    without a powerful revival?

    The word “revival” does not occur in the Bible, but there are many
    revival messages in the Bible. Jesus tells many times about the
    importance of being awake and ready when he comes. Matt. 24:
    42-44, 25:1-13. Mark 13:32-37. Luke 21:34-36. See also
    1 Peter 5:8-9.

    He does not say that the awakening (the revival) must have a name.
    Nevertheless, as soon as something happens that looks like a revival,
    then people are quick to make a name on the revival. Why? It is
    easier to speak about the revival when they have a name on it. And
    it is just this they do. They are speaking about the revival instead of
    listening and receive the truths that the Holy Spirit wants to convey.
    When the Holy Spirit has revealed a biblical truth, then the people
    are so busy with just this truth, so they do not listen for expecting
    more truths. In this way much of the revival message goes lost.

    How did they do when the Pentecostal Revival came? When they
    had received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and the gift to speaking
    in tongues, then they did not listen any more to what the Holy
    Spirit wants to say. They spoke so much about the baptism with the
    Holy Spirit and the speaking in tongues, as if this were the whole
    revival message. If they had spoken lesser and more listen to what
    the Holy Spirit had to say to God’s people, then they had got much
    more. The revival could have continued and become still more

    It was not God’s meaning that the revival would be named “the
    Pentecostal Revival”. This was an idea of people. Through the name
    “Pentecostal Revival” the revival became limited to the baptism with
    the Holy Spirit and the speaking in tongues. It was this they were
    thinking of when they spoke about the Pentecostal Revival. So it is
    still today. The rest of the revival message of the Holy Spirit remains
    unknown for the people. The revival did not become what it ought
    to be. The Pentecostal Revival became an abridged revival.

    The name “Pentecostal Revival” became an idol name, which they
    use along with the Lord’s name. For 90 years many people have had
    the Pentecostal Revival as their idol. Belonging to a Pentecostal
    Church, they feel security. But it is no real security. What is a
    Pentecostal Church? None can with help of the Bible explain what
    the Pentecostal Churches is, or how they are established, for they are
    not founded on God’s word. Calling them “Assemblies of God” does
    not help.

    Through the “Pentecostal revival” a new church system was established,
    and the Christians were still more divided. The Lord’s purpose with a
    revival is not to make disunion, but unity. We must understand that the
    dividing of the Christians in many churches and denominations is not a
    work of God. Can the God of peace have divided the Christians? The
    idea of establishing churches and denominations did not come from God.

    What did the “Pentecostal Revival” do? The “Pentecostal Revival”
    censured away a great part of the revival message of the Holy Spirit.
    The truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit they understood and
    preached only partly. Their knowledge of the Assembly of God was
    very insufficient, or non-existent. So it is still today. The truth of the
    Assembly of God has not been preached, and without this truth we
    can neither understand the truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit wanted to guide them into all truth, but they listened
    to only a part of the revival message of the Spirit. They also ought to
    pray the Lord for knowledge of the Assembly of God. In spite of the
    baptism with the Holy Spirit and the gift to speaking in tongues, they
    are still today left in the ignorance about the Assembly of God.

    When they established the Pentecostal assemblies, then they did not
    think to make a denomination. The Pentecostal assemblies would be
    independent assemblies, without any central organisation. Yet, since
    they had such an insufficient knowledge of the Assembly of God,
    they accepted almost the same assembly doctrine and assembly view
    as they had in the denominations. The Pentecostal assemblies became
    organized movements, with an overseer (chairman), and membership
    cards to all members.

    In this way they made false copies of the Assembly of God. Making a
    living organism through organizing is not possible. Making an
    assembly of God by organizing is also impossible. Yet, both
    preachers and other members in the Pentecostal assemblies believed
    that these were Assemblies of God.

    Treacherous with this wrong assembly doctrine is that it can be used
    of evil spirits. They make people to slaves under false doctrines and
    hinder them to understand God’s word. Because of this, the members
    of the Pentecostal assemblies have not heard any sermons about the
    Assembly of God. The Lord’s work within Pentecostal assemblies
    and other free churches so that people have been saved, it is not thanks
    to these, and this cannot justify these churches or denominations.

    Where it is a false doctrine, there are also the evil spirits working.
    The evil spirits that are hidden within churches and denominations
    have an entirely other aim than to win souls for Jesus. They try so
    quickly as possibly make an end of every tendency to revival. Through
    false doctrines and church traditions they hold both preachers and
    other members bound, and hinder them to understand God’s word.
    While these not even try to become free, they do not notice how
    bound they are.

    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against
    the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
    but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
    darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    Eph. 6:11-12.

    To what did the “Pentecostal revival” result? What has it brought
    forth? Some people mean that the Pentecostal revival did convey
    the truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit. It is not true. It is the
    Holy Spirit that appears the truth. The Holy Spirit will guide us into
    all truth. John 16:13-15. We can wonder why the baptism with the
    Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues caused such public attention
    in the beginning of the twentieth century. This belongs to the first
    foundament of the gospel of God.

    The truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit is still today censored
    by the “Pentecostal revival”. They mean that only those who have the
    gift to speaking in tongues are baptized with the Holy Spirit, and that
    this gift is the only sure sign of that someone is baptized with the
    Holy Spirit. This is a dangerous denying of a work of the Holy Spirit,
    and to legalize falsely speaking with tongues.

    This doctrine is misleading. It is to degrade the baptism with the Holy
    Spirit, and mean that it is only an extra experience, which is not
    necessary for the salvation. The truth is the contrary. In the Assembly
    of God, the Body of Christ, we are ALL baptized with the Holy Spirit.
    “For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body … ” But not all
    are speaking in tongues. 1 Cor. 12:13, 30. When Jesus baptizes us
    with the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit gives us the new life in
    Christ so that we become born again. We that are born again, we are
    born of the Spirit. John 3:8.

    It is unfortunately but true, that many preachers, which during many
    years have been working as bible teachers and overseers, have not
    even learnt the first foundament of the gospel of God. They have not
    understood the connection between the baptism with the Holy Spirit
    and the new birth. They have been unable to preach the truth of the
    baptism with the Holy Spirit, and neither the truth of the Assembly
    of God. Why? They have a wrong doctrine about what the Bible
    teaches about the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and a wrong doctrine
    about what the Bible teaches about the Assembly of God. They have
    a doctrine about the doctrine.

    They have preached that the baptism with the Holy Spirit is only for
    those who are born again. Yet, on the day of the Pentecost the apostle
    Peter promised unsaved people that they would get the Holy Spirit as a
    gift when they did repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Consider, that Peter promised the Holy Spirit to people who had not
    been born again! And when they received the Holy Spirit, what happened
    then? Well, then they got the new life in Christ and were born again!

    God is the Love
    But God’s love does not hinder us to study God’s word

    What shall happen before Jesus comes?

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