New Life Presbyterian Church


Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 4/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: New Life is in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) denomination, recently moving from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church denomination. This church holds to sound doctrine, they have a correct view of God and hold His Word as truth. This church would be an excellent church for people to attend who want to grow in their knowledge of Scripture. They have superb Sunday School classes for both adults and children.

I have had a chance to attend this church on a few occassions. I am always impressed with the community being God-centered people. During their monthly meal after service, the children happily went around and cleaned up to help their parents. They were genuinely considerate and interested in showing love toward guests and their family. This is a sight compared to many churches who distract children through entertainment not proper instruction.

Because of their traditions, they have not brought in ‘contemporary worship’ so hymns and liturgy remain un-changed over the last 100 years. This stance can impact the ability for new believers or people who do not know God to come and participate.

A great church to learn the things of God and grow in your understanding of Scripture. A more conservative environment with a tradition of liturgy and hymns.


  1. I have observed this church numerous times over the last year. It is a solid congregation with the Word rightly taught in both adult classes and in the services.

    It is also about to re-emerge with revitalized energy. I expect to see great improvements in worship soon

  2. I truly believe you’ve under rated this church. I’ve been to many churches in San Diego, and New Life Presbyterian Church in La Mesa reflects a spritual, Christ centered, doctrine-sound body of believers who truly glorify God. The worship here, through the great hymns of the past four centuries, reflect the love for God–carried-on and shared with–those believers who came before us, and who are now with the LORD.

    Moreover, with your issue with infant baptism; should’nt you ask the Pastor of the church, or a theologian at Westminster seminary to explain their position? learning is good.

    Truly truly, this church should be highly rated on this web site.

  3. I believe the website is now

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