How do you pick a San Diego Church? This site reviews San Diego Churches to help you find a church. Reviews look at what the church believes, their view on Scripture and the community. If you have attended a church that is listed feel free to add your own comment. View our highly recommended San Diego Churches

The Flood

August 24th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 3/5
Beliefs: 3/5
Community: 3/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: The Flood is the ‘gen-x’ service at College Avenue Baptist Church. It offers alternative forms of worship, as their website states: “a word of warning about our concert ambiance . . . the music’s loud-very loud-and the lights are off!” I have attended the Flood service and personally I enjoy the worship but if you’re not expecting loud, concert style worship you’ll be in for a shock.

From my visits and from the website, The Flood is a typical ministry seeking to attract young college students. It offers entertaining style worship along with sermons that offer a good basics message. The Flood preaches topical messages that are fitting for young Christians. I spoke to a friend who recently attended a service (August 2004) and she put it well, “it isn’t so much what they say, it’s what they don’t say”. In other words, the messages are true but they leave so much more out that needs to be taught to Christians. The Flood is a good outreach to target students as they attend college but along with other college-aimed ministries/churches each year new students and hopefully converts are blessed by coming to the Flood, but at some point in a person’s faith they may need to move beyond what the Flood can offer. Some of this may be overcome if a person really plugs in to additional small group, personal study and mentoring opportunities at this Church. Also part of what I believe is a lacking at the Flood involves their Theological teaching which is similiar to my concerns with Calvary-style churches.

I just spoke to a friend who visted the 9pm service (Nov 14th) where the had an interpretive dance. Two people danced together to illustrate our relationship with God. Hmmm? Relevance gone too far?

A good church to come and learn the basics and participate in concert-style worship for younger and new Christians.

New Hope Presbyterian Church

August 23rd, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 4/5
Beliefs: 4/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 3/5

NOTE: I heard that New Hope has decided to shut their doors after their pastor left.

Summary: New Hope is a church located in the suburb of Tierrasanta and is part of the PCA. It has been a while but I have attended this church on several occasions. New Hope is from the reformed tradition and as such holds a Biblical principles. The worship is a contemporary style worship that is typical in so many churches today.

They state their vision to be, “that New Hope, as part of Gods new community, would be increasingly transformed by worshipping Jesus Christ and clearly communicating this timeless message of grace to San Diego.” From my experience they are focused on a message of grace. The website has good content regarding their beliefs and resources. Overall, this is a church that I’d recommend for people to attend. There are also some other minor issues I disagree with that Presbyterians believe, including infant baptism but this is not a salvation issue.

A good church for believers to attend and grow in the knowledge of God.

The Rock Church

August 22nd, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 3/5 (Fairly solid.)
Beliefs: 3/5 (Solid but light.)
Community: 4/5 (From the website small groups, pictures, events listed, forums, classifieds, etc.)

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 4/5

Summary: In addition to looking through the Rock’s website I’ve had the chance to attend the Rock on a couple of occassions. Overall, the Rock is a bible-believing, Christ-centered church who recognize that all people need Jesus in order to be reconciled to God. They are a great church for newbie christians and they seem to have a heart for the lost. This is a good church for a believer to attend.

My only ‘critiques’ would be that their messages/sermons are fairly light. From my visiting and even if you look on the website, there are many biblical truths that are either not communicated or avoided. Being located on a college campus each year new students and hopefully converts are blessed by coming to the Rock, but at some point in a person’s faith they may need to move beyond what the Rock can offer. Secondly, I’m not a big fan that so much attention is centered on Miles McPherson. There is the Miles McPherson Page, the Miles Ahead Ministry, they even have bought google ads and in the space to enter a description they put “Led by Pastor Miles McPherson” as their content. I believe a church should not focus so much on one man, except for Jesus Christ our Lord.

(I’d encourage you to read the comments by the Webmaster from The Rock Church.)

A good bible-believing church that preaches Christ but doesn’t always dig into the deeper issues of faith.

Kaleo Church

August 21st, 2004


(Mission Valley & SDSU)

Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 5/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 5/5 (A lot of content)

Summary: Kaleo derives its name from the Greek word meaning “called”. Pastor David Fairchild preaches through the Bible book-by-book, verse-by-verse bringing out the meaning, context and personal application of each passage. His powerful style is truthful and brutally honest. This is quite a contrast to the majority of churches that I have visited. Before and after the service the community demonstrates loving hospitality and interest in newcomers and visitors. The talented group of musicians that comprise the worship band not only modernize ancient hymns but also write their own original material.

The website is one of the best church sites I have seen. Images rotate each time you visit the home page and the core values and belifs of the church are prominently displayed and clearly communicated. The design is well thought out and easy to navigate. There is a plethora of content and is updated frequently. There are sermon MP3’s and a library of online teachings which include reviews of film, music, television, art and books as well as other cultural commentary. This emphasis on cultural engagement is one of the strongest areas of not only the website but the church itself. There is also an on-line forum in which members and visitors can engage in dialogue on a variety of interesting subjects.

Kaleo holds a strong position in their theological views deeply rooted in historic Christianity. It states on their website, “It is our passion that Kaleo would become a community that is being freed and transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, that is learning to worship God as His sons and daughters, and that is inviting others to experience the liberating power of the gospel.” From my experience, this church is doing exactly that.

Kaleo is a church that offers a wealth of resources online and clearly communicates a Biblical-centered belief. I highly recommend this church to everyone.

Covenant Baptist Church

August 20th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 5/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 3/5
Site Content: 4/5

Summary: Covenant Baptist Church used to go by the name Unchained Christian Church. Their website has mp3’s you can listen to as well as they stream their services so that you can listen online. This church holds to strong doctrine and based upon what they believe, I would recommend this church. I have had a chance to attend a few services and their preacher, Gene Cook is a remarkable preacher and gifted teacher. Their service is a bit more traditional than much of the contemporary worship but this fits well with the community they are building.

Pastor Gene Cook also has a internet-radio program called Unchained Radio. On this program he tackles some of the more challenging issues Christians struggle with, he also hosts debates and other discussions that are beneficial to the believer. The Unchained Radio website has archives of past broadcasts, forums and other resources for people to use.

I would highly recommend this church, they have a solid foundation, a strong community and preach verse-by-verse through the Bible. This is a great church particularly for those who enjoy singing a hymn.

Iranian Christian Church of San Diego

August 19th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 4/5 (Right on, from the site: “The Bible is fully and completely inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God.”)
Beliefs: 3/5
Community: 3/5 (Seems to be good from website.)

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 2/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: The site is not the best quality. It has scrolling marquee’s and looks to be designed by an amateur. Some of the content talks about Christmas and New Years, considering it’s April, this site isn’t all that current. Also, part of the content is in an Farsi language. But enough about the site design….on to the important things:

After the two first reviews, I was starting to become frustrated at the churches in Google’s top 10. It was refreshing to get to this site. Not only are they doctrinally sound, they clearly have a heart for evangelism and living out their beliefs. In America where Iranians are often vilified it is awesome to see a group who love God and are commited to truth. What about the Middle East conflict? They see it in proper terms, communicating Jews need to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. All in all check out this site, it’s sermons and their commitment to living out the gospel…

From what is on their site, I recommend this church. Particularly if Farsi language is your first language..

San Diego Japanese Christian Church

August 17th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 1/5 (Not described.)
Beliefs: 1/5 (Unknown.)
Community: 3/5 (Little shown, some pictures & a guestbook.)

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 2/5
Site Content: 2/5 (Dated links, little to no information on what they believe.)

Summary: This site is primarily a piece to give directions, phone #’s and other contact information NOT to communicate to people what they believe. They have two newsletters that I can’t read because they are in Japanese. The only content are a series of “Footprints” stories from people who attend and/or visit the church. Based on the pastor’s education (Fuller Theological Seminary) and some of the comments posted, clearly they have a heart for Christ and a desire for people to come to know Him. These Footprints include scripture quotes and a high view of trust in our soveriegn God. But because of the lack of information, I cannot fully know what they believe.

Not much information, but it appears to be a Christ-centered Church. If you speak Japanese, this may be a good place to check out..

Creeds We Agree with

August 16th, 2004

The Scriptures
We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the verbally inspired word of God, the final authority for faith and life, inerrant in the original writings, infallible and God-breathed (II Tim. 3:16-17; II Pet. 1:20-21; Matt 5:18; John 16:12,13).

We also agree with the following creeds:

Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.

He descended into hell.

The third day He arose again from the dead.

He ascended into heaven
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.


The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Coastlands Church

August 15th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 4/5
Missional View: 4/5
Community: 3/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 2/5

3/16/05 - This review has been edited based on a conversation with the Pastor.

Summary: Coastlands is an 8 1/2 year-old Church plant in Pacific Beach. The pastor, Evan Lauer, told me they are a Bible-believing church that typically does expository preaching. He expressed a high view of Scripture and a desire to reach the postmodern generation with the truths of the gospel. The original reviewer wrote:

During this service the pastor opened it up for the audience to share their interpretations on the passage being discussed. At this time leaders (according to the bulletin) started to share thoughts that contradicted the verses. They were examing Scripture in light of their feelings not based on what it was saying.
Pastor Lauer said he does interact with the congregation each week but does not leave the final word to people’s opinions but directs them back to the word of God. (also see below comment from another visitor’s perspective.)

Coastlands has an eye towards being missional. Six times a year they hold a service outdoors in the community to interact with non-believers. Lauer told me “I’m working on getting my people to think missionally. To think about the people in this culture.” Based on this conversation we are changing the rating of the church.

A Bible-believing church that is trying to reach the postmodern generation with the truth of the Gospel.

Doctrine Statment

August 15th, 2004

THE BIBLE: We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the word of God and the only rule to govern the lives of people and affairs of the Church.

GOD: We believe the scriptures reveal there is only one true God who is sovereign, eternal, holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, and creator of all things. He is loving, gracious, merciful and long-suffering toward His people and is also righteous in his judgment of the ungodly.

TRINITY: We believe God is revealed in the scriptures as three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three, while being distinct persons, are one God and equal in power, majesty, and glory.

HUMANITY: We believe people are born sinful and completely alienated from God and under His judgment. People, in their nature, are unwilling and unable to believe God and serve Him. Only a supernatural, sovereign work of God can regenerate the heart and enable people to recognize their sinfulness and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

SALVATION: We believe the only salvation for sinful people is faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This faith is a gift of God’s grace given to people according to the will and pleasure of God.

THE CHURCH: We believe the Church to be God’s people (past, present, and future) worshiping, loving, and serving God with Christ as the Head of the Church. We believe that God has called His people to devote themselves to a local church by becoming members, taking vows to the Church, and accepting the authority and rule of church officers (elders and deacons) who minister and discipline with love.

THE SACRAMENTS: We believe that God has instituted two sacraments: the Lord’s Supper and baptism as signs and seals of His grace to strengthen the church and edify its members.

THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: We believe that God calls His people to live for and serve Him joyfully using their gifts and talents to His glory, for the building up of the church, and as a witness to the unbelieving world. As a community of believers we are expected to rejoice with, suffer with, and bear the burdens of one another in the Body of Christ. We are to pray earnestly for one another, encourage and admonish one another in love as we grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How we Rank Churches

August 14th, 2004

San Diego Church Reviews and Guide is a website that provides assistance to people who are seeking a church. Often it can be difficult to find a church home, whether you’ve just become a Christian or are moving into the area. Our prayer is that this site will be a tool you can use to find your next church home.

How we Rank: Our primary concern is determining what a Church believes. Do they hold scripture as true? Do they preach from God’s word so that they are providing the counsel of God’s word and applying it to the believers life? This is the primary concern. Next is examining their interpretation of Scripture. Are they trying to make scripture say what they want it to and interpreting it by their feelings or do they recognize we need to change when we contradict what God has commanded.

5-Star Churches: These are the best churches and are the ones we recommend people attend.
4-Star Churches: These are good churches that are recommended, there may be a lack of knowledge to be convinced of the highest ranking or small concerns that are not foundational.
3-Star Churches: These churches are good but are missing key beliefs, interpretations or theological convictions that impact the life of the believer.
2-Star Churches: These churches are Christian but either teach things contradictory to scripture or it is unknown what they believe.
1-Star Churches: Churches that claim to be Christian, use the Bible but have serious errors in their belief to the point of rejecting Jesus’ teachings.
0-Star Churches: Cults that use the word Church.

Metropolitan Community Church

August 14th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 1/5
Beliefs: 1/5
Community: 3/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 3/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: The MCC is an open and affirming Christian community. From their site: “This means that we embrace people of any race, ethnic identity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, economic status or life situation to be a contribution to this ministry. We are about bringing people into a vibrant, life-changing relationship (as opposed to religion) that following Christ was originally intended to be.” The first MCC was established by Rev. Troy Perry in Los Angeles in 1968, as a particular ministry to the Gay Lesbian Bi-Sexual and Transgender(GBLT) community.

The goal of this church is changing attitudes in the GLBT community toward Christ, and the Christian commmunity toward GLBT people. I agree with this but not in the way MCC intends. It is true that often Christians attacked the GLBT community and are more concerned with specific sin that they forget that Christ conquered sin, all sin. This means that homosexuality is NOT the focus in sharing the gospel with gays. The focus is all are sinners and have fallen short of God’s perfect and eternal laws. (see Romans 3) But clearly MCC has a socio-political agenda that is built on accepting all lifestyles, which is clearly not something that the Bible tells us. Yes we are to LOVE all people, but all of us need to come to the cross and seek forgiveness and leave our lives of sin.

I would not recommend this church as indicated by a poor position on Scripture.

A Church For Today’s World

August 13th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 0/5
Beliefs: 0/5
Community: 1/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 1/5 (banners, annoying pop-up’s, counters and other frustrations)
Site Content: 2/5

Summary: As far as the website you can view some of their beliefs, which are based on Religious Science. They state that they have “Licensed Practitioners of Religious Science are trained to view each situation from a spiritual perspective. They work with Spiritual Principle to reestablish the harmony of mind, body, and emotions. All healing is possible for each of us as we access the perfection of the Divine within us.” Watch out, this service comes with a FEE!

I think their own website says it all, the Church For Today’s World is an Interfaith Spiritual Community, teaching the principles of successful living through “Science of Mind.” There isn’t much to review here. The Church is a heretical cult that worships the individual and not God.

WARNING: This Church is not a Christian church.

San Diego First Assembly

August 12th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 3/5
Beliefs: 3/5
Community: 3/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 3/5
Site Content: 4/5

Summary: The First Assembly churches website is fairly busy, with a primary focus on communicating the ‘where’s and when’ of their services and other meetings. Each of the main buttons compartmentalize the different groups you can attend, ie Children, Youth, College, 55+, Couples, Recovery, etc. It seems there is a lot of opportunity for different community groups.

The church posts the Nicene Creed and Apostles´Creed as their statements of faith. They fall within the broad evangelical base which holds a strong view of scripture as truth. They are a pentecostal which puts an “emphasis on Spirit-driven service to our world”. A quote from their website says: “Divine healing is an integral part of the gospel”. If this is speaking about healing in terms of Christ works to redeem us through His work, yes, if it is about physical healing, this is where we disagree on what the ‘gospel’ is. It is at this place that many will differ on their beliefs with San Diego First Assembly. This issue can be devisive. If you’d like read more from an essay by John MacArthur titled, “A Look at the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement Is it Biblical?

Confessing church which holds a pentecostal position. Suggest you learn more about this if you plan on attending.

San Diego Church of Christ

August 11th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 2/5 (They do hold to scripture, but legalistically so.)
Beliefs: 1/5
Community: 1/5 (If you leave, you are told you lose your salvation.)

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 3/5
Site Design: 2/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: The site has a plain but simple design. It has a focus on the community, with events and a calendar of activities. They have sermons online in mp3 format. They also have studies and articles online. One of my biggest concerns, is that they do not have what they believe displayed!!!! I know I could listen to 10’s of sermons to try to figure this out, but I don’t really care to do this. Also, they are also known as the ‘International Church of Christ’. This is a cult has had problems on a number of college campus. (read article) I have a friend who did come to Christ through the Church of Christ, but quickly left when he saw the manipulation that occured. They said things like if you don’t stay at their church you are not a Christian, or that you can only be baptized by their Church.

A great site that investigates cults summarizes the following: “The International Church of Christ (ICC), does not deny any of the essential doctrines of Christianity. Aside from its requirements on baptism as a necessary part of salvation, it is Orthodox. Therefore, I do not categorize the ICC as a non-Christian cult. Rather, I see the ICC as a Christian Church with some serious problems; namely, legalistic and excessive control over its members.” For more on this click here.

I recommend that people avoid this group.

All Churches Reviewed

August 9th, 2004

The following are churches that have been reviewed in the San Diego area. ALL churches including non-reviewed churches can also be found in the San Diego Church Directory.

Highly Recommended
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church (Serra Mesa)
Crossroads Church (Chula Vista)
Ethnos Church (UTC)
Faith Bible Church (Murrieta)
Harbor Presbyterian Church (Multi-Site)
Kaleo Church (Mission Valley)
The Fields Church (Carlsbad)

Coastlands Church (Pacific Beach)
Faith Community Church by the Sea (Encinitas)
Escondido United Reformed Church (Escondido)
Grace (Mira Mesa)
Grace Bible Church
New Hope Presbyterian
New Life Presbyterian Church
SD Citadel Corps Community Center (Salvation Army)
San Diego Christian Reformed Church
San Diego Church

Bonita Valley Community Church (Bonita)
Calvary Chapel San Diego
Clairemont Covenant Church
Community Bible Church
First Presbyterian Church San Diego
Horizon Christian Fellowship
The Flood
Iranian Christian Church
Matthew’s House (Oceanside)
New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
The Rock Church
San Diego First Assembly
The Way Christian Church (Chula Vista)
The Vertex (First Baptist of Coronado)

Not Recommended
Christ Lutheran Church
Faith Presbyterian Church
La Mesa First United Methodist Church
Maranatha San Diego
Mission Valley Christian Fellowship
Point Loma Calvary Chapel
Saint Francis and Saint Taricicus Old Catholic Church
San Diego Japanese Christian Church
Sonrise Community Church (Unite Service)
St. Gregory of Nyssa Greek Orthodox Church
Third Day Churches
Twelve Tribes

All Souls’ Episcopal Church
Dignity (Catholic) San Diego Chapter
First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
Metropolitan Community Church
Mission Gathering
North Park Apostolic Church
San Diego Church of Christ
St. John of the Cross

A Church For Today’s World
Eighth Church of Christ Scientist
Midtown Church

For more information on our Ranking System or to learn more about what we believe:

How we Rank Churches
9 Marks of a Healthy Church
12 Marks of a Missional Church
Creeds we agree with
Doctrine Statement

First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego

August 9th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 1/5 (Scripture is a ‘guide’ but they do not believe it to be God’s truth.)
Beliefs: 1/5 (I would say they are not ‘orthodox’ in their beliefs, changing the words of scripture to bend to their own agenda.)
Community: 3/5 (From the looks of the site, very community focused. They want to love and accept all people.)

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 3/5
Site Content: 4/5

Summary: This site has a clean design and easy to figure out interface. Solid usability for the average browser. You can view past sermons (The last sermon listed is ” I Can’t Stand Conservatives; They Are So Bigoted!” and othes such as “Proud To Be an Unrepentant Religious Liberal!”), see their calendar of events, and check out all the social action they do in the community. I would say we could learn a lot from their level of social justice, as they reach out to the community around them and love them.

As far as their beliefs. They believe in universalism (everyone goes to heaven) and enjoy a focus on religious pluralism. Which really means they are making NO claim on truth. There is no God who calls us to believe in Him, rather it is up to the individual to ‘find god’ and live any way they see fits their feelings. You can read their sermons that communicate this such as “Hinduism: Many Paths to the Same Summit” or “Truth Is One, The Wise Call It By Many Names”.

The First Unitarian Universalist Church is not Christian but do agree with some of the ‘christian philosophy found in Jesus teachings’.

First Presbyterian Church San Diego

August 8th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 2/5 (revised web differs from reality)
Beliefs: 2/5 (revised web differs from reality)
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 3/5 (traditional)
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: This church has a great statement of Faith in their words “We are committed to classical Christian orthodoxy, the Reformed Faith, and the Evangelical theological heritage. The goal of our church is to live, work, serve, and worship together as a Household of Faith centered around the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Christ has commanded.” Well said!!! There are some other minor issues I disagree with that Presbyterians believe, including infant baptism but this is not a salvation issue.

EDIT: I spoke with a friend who has more information on this church. It turns out that although they post their belief statement, it is not the same as what is preached. As part of the PCUSA movement, this denomination continues to slip into liberal non-orthodox beliefs that are shaping the future of their churches against Biblical teachings.

EDIT: November 2004 I have had two people contact me telling me that this church is holding on to their theological convictions in spite of what is happening in the larger denominational context. Suggest you do your own investigation if you plan on attending this church.

Their website statement of faith may not dictate the reality of what they believe. Suggest you investigate if you plan on attending this church.

Horizon Christian Fellowship

August 7th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 3/5
Beliefs: 3/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: Horizon Christian Fellowship is one of the ‘mega’ churches in San Diego. It has a school, cafeteria, a coffee shop (called the “Sacred Grounds” Coffee Cart), Youth groups, Single’s Ministry (The Edge) and about 40 other ministry areas. Their website is sleak and well designed and you can quickly find which compartment of their church you fit in to.From my experience, how do you become a ‘mega church’. The first is through the persona of the Pastor who has a dynamic that is either entertaining or witty but this draws a big crowd. Often in conjunction with this growth, the church becomes a mall. It begins offering services to every population group. Now nothing is wrong with either of these in themselves. But the final challenge is what separates the good from the bad.

The biggest fault with mega churches is that they purposefully avoid scriptural teachings to not ruffle the feathers of those who attend. Time and time again these churches preach a watered down gospel that misses much of the deeper, even challenging areas that cause growth and repentance before God. My experience with Horizon is through the interaction of a number of people who have left because when they had serious questions based on the Bible, those in leadership were unwilling to give them answers. They preferred that people do not seek these things.

With this said, Horizon is still a church filled with brothers and sisters in Christ. They are preaching faith in Christ and we all are part of the larger body of believers here on earth working to proclaim the message of the cross to this world. And it is because of this, that this church is still far better than many churches in San Diego.

Horizon is a church that is preaching Christ, but they shy away from some of the meat of Scripture.

New Life Presbyterian Church

August 6th, 2004


Church Review
Scriptural View: 5/5
Beliefs: 4/5
Community: 4/5

Website Review
Site Usabilility: 4/5
Site Design: 4/5
Site Content: 3/5

Summary: New Life is in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) denomination, recently moving from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church denomination. This church holds to sound doctrine, they have a correct view of God and hold His Word as truth. This church would be an excellent church for people to attend who want to grow in their knowledge of Scripture. They have superb Sunday School classes for both adults and children.

I have had a chance to attend this church on a few occassions. I am always impressed with the community being God-centered people. During their monthly meal after service, the children happily went around and cleaned up to help their parents. They were genuinely considerate and interested in showing love toward guests and their family. This is a sight compared to many churches who distract children through entertainment not proper instruction.

Because of their traditions, they have not brought in ‘contemporary worship’ so hymns and liturgy remain un-changed over the last 100 years. This stance can impact the ability for new believers or people who do not know God to come and participate.

A great church to learn the things of God and grow in your understanding of Scripture. A more conservative environment with a tradition of liturgy and hymns.